Prior to my eight-year musical hiatus, I’d make at least a moderate attempt to write and perform music that people might like. Now, I make music only for myself. So if your preferences lean toward the “agreeable” side of the sonic spectrum, I suggest you hop on over to the THEN page. Those of you who require something a bit more esoteric are on the right page.
Newest tracks are at the top of the list; oldest at the bottom. These are songs without constraint. It is music without destination. It’s not crafted to sell automobiles, give poignancy to a cinematic kiss, or inject a shot of adrenaline into the latest video game. No track need conform to the sonically homogenous confines of genre. No song must dictate the aural footprint of another. In short, ULTRAsomething is a singles band. Except it’s not a band… but you get the point.
NOTE: All songs are hosted on Bandcamp, and each song can be played up to three times before you’re politely asked to pony up a buck. Honestly, if you like a song well enough to play it a fourth time, I think it’s only fair to ask for $1 — particularly when that $1 buys you the ability to download the song in both a mobile-friendly MP3 format, and a lossless, full-fidelity version suitable for playback on the type of audio systems designed to annoy your neighbours.