©2012 grEGORy simpson
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Very realistic! And very funny, made me giggle a few times! 🙂 Thanks!
Anja: Surprisingly, Hollywood displayed little interest in purchasing the movie rights to the ULTRAsomething blog. So I simply made the film myself, which, like the articles, sits on that precarious edge between the earnest and the ridiculous. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for commenting.
Hey Egor,
Let me congratulate you both for this video and your beverage tastes. Doggies! is already a classic.
Cheers from Solms, ^JJ
0:47 often too much the case. Need people.
Well, you know, there are a lot of tutorial videos that make it all look too easy, and yours on the contrary shows a slightly more realistic version, including lots and lots of walking, and only a few shots that come out in the end… And presented with that pinch of humour, that I enjoy very much!
Found your site after wanting someone to make my lust for a leica M-A a guilt free purchase.
So thanks for a great review, later this week my local Leica dealer in Manchester, England will thank you, my accountant may not..
Then I discovered your movie which made me smile.
Off to look at more of your site…
Happy and guilt free
best wishes