The goal does not change. Whether writing a song, taking a photo, or envisioning films I would make had I ever the time — I commence with a desire to create enigma. Enigma is the province of the nighttime; of a faltering thrum; of the space between words. The questions within shadow; the beauty within impurity; the fertility of the incongruous. Enigma is thought made infinite — inconvenient but rewarding; undervalued but revelatory.
Rarely, upon completion, do the results reflect this goal. Perhaps in an effort to be understood; or perhaps in an effort to understand myself, I stumble with alarming regularity toward perspicuity. Perspicuity is the dominion of the daytime; of the dance floor; of instructional prose. The delineated edge; the crack of a beat; the bulleted list. Perspicuity is closure — convenient but facile; popular but perfunctory.
Like so much of my work, these nocturnes lie in the vast chasm between these ends.
©2020 grEGORy simpson
ABOUT THIS ARTICLE: If I honour that old trope about a picture being worth a thousand words, then surely a song is worth five? At least when one considers how much time goes into its writing, performance and production. So with six thousand virtual words hiding within this month’s allegorical content, there’s little need for an abundance of traditional nouns and verbs. A Leica M10 Monochrom fronted with a v4 35mm Summicron f/2 lens was employed for both the photo and the song art. A Leica M10 Monochrom fronted with a v4 35mm Summicron f/2 lens was not, however, used in the production of the song.
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Beautiful saturated moody picture, lovely atmospheric song! Thank you for another nice post.
Thanks, Peter. Not sure exactly what the photo is saturated with? Unless it’s all those lovely shades of grey that spring forth from the Monochrom? Or maybe it’s saturated with wistfulness? Or calm? Or maybe I’m just way over-analyzing what is, ultimately, a very nice compliment. Yeah, definitely the latter…
The photo is saturated with beauty, with life, with its all paradox tones and nuances, with the beat from within, the air, the mist, the strings that are in all. And that goes for the song and your text as well.
Two and a half minutes of unexpected calm. Wonderful picture and music. Thanks for that.
Thanks, Julian. Sometimes 2.5 minutes doesn’t provided adequate levels of calm, so I have to play it twice. Makes me wish I’d have written a longer song. 😉